Scientists Build Atomic Clocks That Can Measure Changes in Spacetime

This is just the latest result from efforts around the world to create the best-ever atomic clock. Perhaps these clocks could detect dark matter from the way its gravity alters spacetime.

Infinite-dimensional symmetry opens up possibility of a new physics

This surprising conclusion emerges from new work published by theoreticians from Warsaw and Potsdam. The scheme they posit unifies all the forces of nature in a way that is consistent with existing observations.

Plans Revealed for Enormous Particle Collider in China

Scientists this week released a conceptual design report for a next-generation particle accelerator in China, which would serve as a “Higgs boson factory,” as its proponents have called it.

CERN physicists may have found a new and unexpected particle

The new and unknown particle is just over a fifth of the mass of the Higgs boson. There's nothing in any of the current models that predicts this mass. However, It's unlikely to be physics-breaking.

Nobel Prize in physics awarded for two advances in lasers

Three scientists from the United States, France and Canada are awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for the development of short, intense laser pulses and for optical tweezers that can grab tiny particles.

Single molecule control for a millionth of a billionth of a second

Physicists have discovered how to manipulate and control individual molecules for a millionth of a billionth of a second, after being intrigued by some seemingly odd results.

Laser breakthrough has physicists close to cooling down antimatter

For the first time, physicists at CERN have observed a benchmark atomic energy transition in anithydrogen, a major step toward cooling and manipulating the basic form of antimatter.

Fresh Evidence for a New 'Sterile' Fundamental Particle

There are three types of neutrinos in the Standard Model, the blueprint of particle physics. Experimental results add evidence for the existence of a fourth, more mysterious type - the sterile neutrino.

Experiment Shares New View of Neutrinos

Experiment called OPERA at CERN has released its final round of results, which add further evidence of neutrinos’ strange identity-swapping behavior.

New type of quantum material

Physicists surprised when their theoretical model pointed to the existence of a never-before-seen material in a different realm of physics -- that of topological quantum materials.

Physicists discovered a new form of matter, excitonium

A team of researchers have demonstrated the existence of an enigmatic new form of matter, which has perplexed scientists since it was first theorized almost 50 years ago..

LIGO’s gravitational wave detection takes home a Nobel

The gravitational wave events recorded in LIGO are actually the first direct indication of the existence of black holes. Three scientists from US wins 2017 Nobel prize in physics.

First laboratory generation of astrophysical shock waves created

The first laboratory generation of an astrophysical shock wave has been reported by scientists.

New Calculation Could Spell Trouble For a Popular Theory of the Universe's Origin

When running Hawking and Hartles’ as well as Vilenkin’s, math, the new team didn’t get the teeny quantum fluctuations required to create today’s universe.