Scientists have developed a new technique for turning almost any carbon-based rubbish from banana skins to car tires into graphene flakes, a process that may provide hugely positive environmental impacts.
An electrocatalysis reactor built at Rice University, U.S. recycles carbon dioxide to produce pure liquid fuel solutions using electricity. The scientists hope it will become an efficient and profitable way to reuse the greenhouse gas and keep it out of the atmosphere.
Swiss company has announced the opening of a new plant in Italy that will collect carbon dioxide from the air and pair it with hydrogen to make methane fuel that would add little or no CO2 to the atmosphere.
A recent discovery could lead to a new, more sustainable way to make ethanol without corn or other crops.
The pilot project in Finland will create liquid or gas fuel using only renewable energy sources.
Researchers have long tried to find simple ways to convert this greenhouse gas into fuels and other useful chemicals. Now, engineers has developed a technique powered by renewable energies such as solar or wind.