First commercial 3-D chip-making capability announced

IBM and Micron Technology, Inc. have announced that Micron will begin production of a new memory device built using the first commercial CMOS manufacturing

Social times | 3D projection mapping taking the advertising world by storm

3D projection mapping has recently emerged as one of the coolest forms of advertising, with big companies like Nokia, Samsung and BMW projecting beautiful 3D

Single lens allows microscopes to capture 3d images

Engineers at Ohio State University have invented a single lens that enables microscopic objects to be seen from nine different angles at once to create a 3D

3D, 360-degree fog display shown off [+video]

( -- Any fan of Star Trek knows about the joys of the holodeck. The idea of a 3D, 360-degree immersive digital environment, projected on demand, is an enticing one that has thus far been confined to the silver screen, but technologies are emerging that just may make this possible. In 2008 Physorg reported on a 3D fog display on a room-sized scale, but it could not give a 360 degree experience. New developments in this area may make this possible at some point in the future.

Full 3-d invisibility cloak in visible light

Watching things disappear is an amazing experience. But making items vanish is not the reason scientists work to create invisibility cloaks. Rather, the magic-like tricks are attractive demonstrations of the fantastic capabilities that new optical theories and nanotechnology construction methods now enable.

'Light sheets' image life in 3d

A technique to image living cells in action, in an unprecedented mix of detail in both time and space, is described by researchers.

Biggest 3-D map of the distant universe

The biggest 3-D map of the distant universe ever made, using light from 14,000 quasars --- supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies many billions