World’s first rechargeable proton battery requires zero lithium

Scientists led by RMIT University have created a working rechargeable proton battery, a world first.

A lithium battery that operates at -70 degrees Celsius, a record low

The findings could aid engineers in developing technology suited to withstand the coldest reaches of outer space or the most frigid regions on Earth.

New paper batteries can be discarded with zero ecological impact

Fuelium is developing paper-based batteries designed for disposable diagnostic devices.

Electric Eels Inspire a New Type of Battery

Researchers took a cue from the electric eel to create a soft, foldable battery that could one day power devices.

Here are humanity’s best ideas on how to store energy

The plans, the prototypes, the power-pumping: These batteries are hints of the future.

To Achieve 100% Renewable Energy, We Need Way Better Batteries

A grid powered 100% by solar and wind won’t work with the current state of energy storage. The batteries to store that energy will need to get much better, and fast.

Google's latest exploration - a salt-based solution that stores energy

Google parent company, Alphabet, aspires to revolutionize the way we store and utilize renewable energy.

Nanomaterial charges everyday batteries in seconds

Factories would only have to adapt to the new electrodes, rather than throwing out their existing battery know-how.

Tesla's big battery will change power and politics

Tesla’s big Australian battery will demonstrate how renewable energy can be stored in significant quantities. The battery will supply 30,000 homes.

Making batteries from waste glass bottles

Researchers are turning glass bottles into high performance lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles and personal electronics .

New, long-lasting flow battery could run for more than a decade with minimum upkeep

A new flow battery has been developed that stores energy in organic molecules dissolved in neutral pH water. This new chemistry allows for a non-toxic, non-corrosive battery with an exceptionally long lifetime.