Scientists view genome as it turns on and off inside cells

Researchers have developed a new approach to decoding the vast information embedded in an organism

Nanotech medicine to rebuild damaged parts of human body

To rebuild damaged parts of a human body from scratch is a dream that has long fired human imagination, from Mary Shelley

Breakthrough in converting heat waste to electricity: automotive, chemical, brick and glass industries could benefit from discovery

Researchers have placed nanocrystals of strontium telluride into lead telluride, creating a material that can harness electricity from heat-generating items such as vehicle exhaust systems, industrial processes and equipment and sun light more efficiently than scientists have seen in the past.

New reactor paves the way for efficiently producing fuel from sunlight

Using a common metal most famously found in self-cleaning ovens, Sossina Haile hopes to change our energy future. The metal is cerium oxide -- or ceria -- and it is the centerpiece of a promising new technology developed by Haile and her colleagues that concentrates solar energy and uses it to efficiently convert carbon dioxide and water into fuels.

DNA molecules can 'teleport', nobel prize winner claims

A Nobel Prize winning biologist has ignited controversy after publishing details of an experiment in which a fragment of DNA appeared to ‘teleport’ or imprint itself between test tubes.

Weather so severe it generates antimatter

New observations from the Fermi space telescope have revealed that …

International space station begins new era of utilization

A new era of utilization for research and technology begins for the completed International Space Station. The orbiting laboratory shifts focus in 2011 from finalizing construction efforts to full-scale use of the facility for scientific investigation and technological advances.

Strange new twist: researchers discover möbius symmetry in metamaterials

Researchers have discovered Möbius symmetry in metamaterials -- materials engineered from artificial

$271 million telescope buried under south pole is ready to unearth dark matter

The IceCube Neutrino Observatory, built over a decade at a cost of $271 million, is buried under the South Pole... and longer than the world

Solar comes of age: solarcity to double PV systems on american homes by 2016

A leading American solar company is set to begin the largest residential rooftop project ever undertaken, effectively doubling the number of solar systems currently on homes around the U.S.

Google discloses carbon footprint, renewable energy goals

Google has been playing an interesting role in renewable energy development, and not only because it has invested more than $780 million in renewable energy generation and tech development.

Eight bio-based technologies for 2050

What kind of technologies will evolve in the 2030s, and even the 2040s, to transform our fuel, food, and materials choices, and lead us towards some of the fuel targets outlined for 2050 by the International Energy Agency? In looking that far down the line, we have some long term trends to guide us.

New Zealand commits to spend $6.7 million to fund first solar plant for Tonga

PV - New Zealand commits to spend $6.7 million to fund first solar plant for Tonga - Renewable Energy Magazine, at the heart of clean energy journalism