Extraterrestrial Hunters to Expand Their Search

It looks as though Breakthrough Listen’s ( a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing space exploration ) search efforts could be expanded by a factor of more than 200.

Research sheds new light on intelligent life elsewhere

A recent UK study shows that there could be about 36 active communicating intelligent civilizations in our home Galaxy. This is an enormous advance over previous estimates which spanned from zero to billions.

The odds of life and intelligence emerging on other planets

According to a recent study, if planets with similar conditions and evolutionary time lines to Earth are common, then life should have little problem spontaneously emerging on other planets and the odds are 3:2

Study examines which galaxies are best for intelligent life

Giant elliptical galaxies are not as likely as disk-shaped galaxies, such as our own Milky Way, to be cradles of technological civilizations, according to a recent U.S. paper.

Weird "Vanishing Stars" Could Potentially Be Extraterrestrials

A comparative analysis of historical and contemporary astronomical data has resulted in the discovery of approximately 100 star-like objects that unexpectedly vanished. These strange occurrences are likely natural, but scientists say alien technology is a remote possibility.

SETI Released The Most Comprehensive Dataset On Alien Life Search

Breakthrough Listen is an astronomical program which surveys the universe in an attempt to track down alien life. Its data were recently offered to prestigious astrophysics journals, and the amount of information is quite impressive.

Future Telescopes could Detect Starships Powered by Black Hole

Recent U.S. study suggests how surveys using gamma telescopes could find evidence of spacecraft powered by tiny artificial black holes. The concept of a black hole-powered spacecraft was first introduced by science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke.

NASA's Technosignatures Report is Out

Technosignatures are what we humans would recognize as signs of technologically-advanced activity of an extraterrestrial intelligence.

SETI project homes in on strange ‘fast radio bursts’

An initiative set up to find signs of intelligent life in the universe has detected a series of mysterious radio signals from a dwarf galaxy 3 billion light years away.

Researchers Just Scanned 14 Worlds for evidence of Advanced Civilizations

In the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI), a team of astronomers recently searched through the Kepler field to look for signatures of technologically-advanced civilizations.