Ocean system that moves heat gets closer to collapse

An abrupt shutdown of Atlantic Ocean currents that could put large parts of Europe in a deep freeze is looking a bit more likely and closer than before.

There's A 'Lost City' Deep In The Ocean

The Lost City Hydrothermal Field, which was found by researchers in 2000 and is located more than 700 metres below the surface, is the ocean’s longest-lasting venting environment. It is unique and has never been matched.

The Atlantic Ocean current system is slowing down

A recent study notes that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is losing its stability. Modelling studies have shown that an AMOC shutdown would cool the northern hemisphere and decrease rainfall over Europe.

Gulf Stream lifeline at its weakest in more than a millennium

The Gulf Stream in the north Atlantic ocean, which has a considerable effect on Ireland’s climate, is at its weakest in over a millennium. Human-caused global warming is the most likely cause.