3D-printed 'bionic skin' could give robots the sense of touch

Engineering researchers have developed a revolutionary process for 3D printing stretchable electronic sensory devices that could give robots the ability to feel their environment.

New AI Tech Can Mimic Any Voice

Montreal-based start-up is looking to change the way computer voices sound with an artificially intelligent system that learns to mimic a person’s voice.

Robots Are Replacing Human Workers at an Alarming Rate

We all know, or at least suspect, that robots are taking people’s jobs, but new research shows the dramatic degree to which industrial robots are replacing human workers and forcing down wages.

Ethics and artificial intelligence

Is there a uniform set of moral laws, and if so, can we teach artificial intelligence those laws to keep it from harming us? This is the question explored in an original short film recently released by The Guardian.

Kuri the adorable smart home robot can now detect your face

One of Kuri’s new powers is facial detection, which allows it to tailor its reactions and responses to respond to faces it sees. It’s a big step towards making Kuri a robot that feels like it has emotions and warmth.

A cargo-carrying robot that follows in your footsteps

Gita is an autonomous robot that navigates indoors and outdoors carrying up to 40 lbs.

Table tennis playing robot breaks world record

The Guinness World Records - Japan Tour video series begins with a futuristic robot that has the uncanny ability of being able to play table tennis better than most humans.

This Delivery Robot Is Learning to Master Crosswalks

Inventors Starship Technologies have taught their robots to avoid traffic lights with buttons and are now giving them speakers and microphones to help them navigate pedestrian crossings.

The Tiny Robots Revolutionizing Eye Surgery

Machines that are capable of making precise operations inside the human eye will make it possible to perform entirely new procedures.

Robot reporter gets first article published in China

Reports are out that a Chinese robot has written and published its first newspaper article. The news comes the same month as a Japanese insurance company announced it was replacing 34 workers with an artificial intelligence system.

'Optical Nerves' Give This Prosthetic Hand a Super Sensitive Touch

The Gentle Bot's touch is so delicate, it's able to run its fingers over several tomatoes and pick out the ripest one.

TIM the Robot: Monitoring the LHC tunnel

The Train Inspection Monorail (TIM) is equipped with a camera and several measurement technologies to monitor in real-time the LHC tunnel.

The Future of Artificial Intelligence and Cybernetics

A British researcher discusses why AI and cybernetics are moving beyond the realm of science fiction - but warns that the technologies also raise significant ethical questions.

Lakshmi Country's first Banking Robot

Lakshmi Country's first Banking Robot, Makes Debut in Chennai, India.

Redwood City, USA Chosen as Pilot City for Robot Grocery Delivery

London-based company, Starship Technologies, has chosen Redwood City as the primary pilot city in the United States to launch its robot delivery services.