Large Hadron Collider makes record-breaking collision

New collisions could help explain what conditions were like up to a billionth of a second after the Big Bang

China plans world's largest supercollider

China's Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) is expected to be at least twice the size of the world's current leading collider, the Large Hadron Collider.

LHC physics data taking gets underway at new record collision energy of 8TeV

( -- At 0:38 CEST (18:38 EDT) this morning, the LHC shift crew declared ‘stable beams’ as two 4 TeV proton beams were brought into collision at the LHC’s four interaction points. This signals the start of physics data taking by the LHC experiments for 2012. The collision energy of 8 TeV is a new world record, and increases the machine’s discovery potential considerably.

Dance like a neutrino: quantum scheme to simulate neutrino oscillations

The behavior of some of the most elusive particles in the known universe can be simulated using three atoms in a lab, researchers say.

'Faster-than-light' particles fade after cross-check

Neutrinos do not go faster than light, according to fresh measurements of a test last year that had suggested the particles broke the Universe

World's best measurement of W Boson mass points to Higgs mass and tests standard model

The latest measurement of the mass of the W boson from the Tevatron experiments. The new combined result is twice as precise as the previous world average, and places limits on the mass of the Higgs consistent with the limits from direct searches at the LHC and Tevatron.

Large Hadron Collider to run at 4 TeV per beam in 2012

CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, has announced that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will run with a beam energy of 4 TeV this year, 0.5 TeV higher than in 2010 and 2011.

Scientists predict the next big thing in particle physics: Supersymmetry

A better understanding of the universe will be the outgrowth of the discovery of the Higgs boson, according to a team of researchers. The team predicts the discovery will lead to supersymmetry or SUSY -- an extension of the standard model of particle physics. SUSY predicts new matter states or super partners for each matter particle already accounted for in the standard model. SUSY theory provides an important new step to a better understanding of the universe we live in.

CERN News: ALPHA beats Antihydrogen life record

The ALPHA experiment has built and preserved a bunch of Antihydrogen atoms for over some 16 minutes (1000 sec.)

LHC sets new world record at 3.48 TeV energy

Date- 19th march 2010 Source- 'This morning, Friday 19 March at 5:23 AM, the beam energy of the LHC was ramped to 3.5 TeV, a new world record and the highest energy for this years run. Now operators will prepare the machine to make high-energy collisions later this month. Interview with Alick Macpherson, Engineer in Charge and Mike Lamont, leader of the Operation Group.'

LHC machine breaks 3 new World Records

LHC machine breaks 3 new World Records at 10h41 Sunday 29 May : 2 x 1092 bunches colliding, Lumi above 1.2 x 10^33 and a beam energy of 73 MJ LHC now running with 1092 bunches per beam Produced by: CERN Video Productions Director: CERN Video Productions

CERN scientists break anti-matter record

This is the first time anti-matter has been created and stored in a stable long-lasting state. It is hoped the breakthrough could help us to understand the composition of the universe.

Hadron Collider - mega structures - Big Bang machine

Please visit my blog Large Hadron Collider may not have found the 'God particle'... but has just explained the existence of the universe Last updated at 5:18 PM on 16th November 2011 Why the universe exists... Credit to Original Uploader