Trillionth of a Second Shutter Speed Allows "Camera" To See Through Atomic Disorder

Speeding up a camera shutter a million million times enables researchers to understand how materials move heat around and is a major step in advancing sustainable energy applications.

Self-powered X-ray detector to revolutionize imaging

A new X-ray detector prototype is on the brink of revolutionizing medical imaging, with dramatic reduction in radiation exposure and the associated health risks, while also boosting resolution in other applications.

The world's fastest camera

Wang, Bren has developed a new camera that can take up to 1 trillion pictures per second of transparent objects. The camera technology can take video also of more ephemeral things like shockwaves and possibly even of the signals that travel through neurons.

One of the world's fastest cameras films motion of electrons

The special feature of the Kiel system is its extremely high temporal resolution of 13 femtoseconds. This makes it one of the fastest electron cameras in the world.

195 gigapixel photo captured by Chinese Satellite

This photo is captured by Chinese Satellite with 24.9 billion pixels of quantum technology. You can zoom in, zoom out when you look at it. You can clearly see every gesture, even face of pedestrians on the road.

Powerful new camera developed to directly image exoplanets

An international team in US is developing what they say is the world’s largest, most sophisticated superconducting camera in a bid to directly image exoplanets orbiting nearby stars.

New femto-camera with quadrillion fractions of a second resolution

Researchers from ITMO University have built a setup for recording holograms of tiny objects like living cells with a femtosecond speed.

The world's fastest film camera: When light practically stands still

A research group has developed a camera that can film at a rate equivalent to five trillion images per second, or events as short as 0.2 trillionths of a second. This is faster than has previously been possible.

An Ultrafast Camera Captures 'Sonic Booms' of Light for First Time

The new technology used to make this discovery could one day allow scientists to image live activity in the brain.