Alpha Centauri Particles Already Lurk in Our Solar System, Study Suggests

The Alpha Centauri (AC) star system is our nearest stellar neighbour and it is moving toward us, presenting an excellent opportunity to study how material might move between Solar Systems.

ESOcast Light: VLT to search for planets around Alpha Centauri

ESO has signed an agreement with the Breakthrough Initiatives to adapt the Very Large Telescope instrumentation in Chile to conduct a search for planets in the nearby star system Alpha Centauri.

Scientists are building a telescope to seek another Earth

A consortium launched a crowdfunding campaign for an optical instrument that could search for planets in Alpha Centauri.

The Daring Plan to Find the Next Earth Within a Decade

A team of ex-NASA scientists is now seeking private funding to scour the Alpha Centauri system for habitable planets.

Searching for Another Earth Around a Neighboring Star

Are there Earth-like planets in a neighboring star system? A new campaign called “Pale Red Dot” aims to show the public in real-time how to push astronomy to its limits to possibly find out.