NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope unveiled a previously unseen structure centered on the Milky Way. The feature spans 50,000 light-years.
Munching on pizza. Posting on Facebook. Hanging out with friends on weekends.
She starts her classes at 5.30am every morning, dressed in white leggings and a red t-shirt surrounded by 30 eager pupils ranging from businessmen to teachers to pensioners.
Evolutionary biologist Michael Rose, professor at University of California, Irvine, says he has discovered a natural way to achieve “biological immortality”
The newly opened Centre for Intelligent Design aims to start a debate in the UK that's not about religion but about evidence
The Large Hadron Collider has successfully created a mini-Big Bang by smashing together lead ions instead of protons.
First collisions between lead ions just four days after the protons stopped
Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider say they are getting some fascinating early results as they get set to probe new areas of physics.
The Large Hadron Collider doubles its rate of particle collisions, paving the way for a new phase of operation.
The Large Hadron Collider has had a smashing success, bringing together twin beams of protons to create a record-shattering atom smashup.
The experiments that can only be conducted in space
The frigid ice of Jupiter
In the 19th century the discovery of the Rosetta Stone unlocked the secrets of Egyptian hieroglyphs. Today, 21st century scientists are hoping that The Rosetta Mission will unlock space secrets; give us information about comets for example, their origins and their influence in space.
And, like cosmic Russian dolls, our universe maybe nested inside a black hole in another universe, a new study says.