Scientists Grew a Mini-Brain in a Dish

After years of work, researchers in the UK have now cultivated one of the most sophisticated miniature brains-in-a-dish yet, and it actually managed to behave strange by spontaneously connecting itself to the nearby tissue.

Lab-Grown 'Perfect' Human Blood Vessels Are a Thing Now

An international team of scientists claim to have pulled off a first: Three-dimensional replicas of human blood vessels that are grown in a petri dish.

3D printed blood vessels could be key to sustaining lab-grown tissue

Using advanced 3D printing techniques, a Dutch scientist can implement a network of blood vessels. According to him, it could ensure long-term survival, effectively changing how we engineer human tissue.

First successful transplantation of a synthetic tissue engineered windpipe

For the first time in history, a patient has been given a new trachea made from a synthetic scaffold seeded with his own stem cells. The patient, a 36-year old man, is well on the way to full recovery from the recent operation in Sweden and is now being discharged from the hospital.