'Random, transistor' laser that can be manipulated at nanoscale

In a historic first, US researchers in collaboration with partners around the world, have been able to control the direction of a laser's output beam by applying external voltage.

UK provides first advanced detector for world's largest X-ray laser

One of the world’s fastest detectors, capable of capturing images in billionths of a second, has been developed by the UK for use at the world’s largest X-ray laser, the European XFEL.

Researchers have built a 1,000-watt 'super laser'

A team of British and Czech researchers have announced that they've constructed and fired a 1000-watt "high peak power laser". This laser is reportedly ten times more powerful as any other of its kind.

First superradiant lasers produce nearly no photons (and that's expected)

Ordinary lasers emit photons that have nearly identical frequencies, but for …