Robot. It’s the latest humanoid robot from Hanson Robotics. Love it or hate it their coming.
The technology in Atlas, the bipedal robot from Boston Dynamics, could change the future of disaster response and household ‘bots alike.
How you look at a robot and how it looks at you can make you more comfortable
Nadine, a humanoid robot 'receptionist' at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore, is able to greet visitors and remember their names, and even the conversations they have previously had. Footage shows her having a chat with her creator, Prof. Nadia Thalmann, at the university earlier this month.
TELESAR V, a telexistence robot system being researched at Keio University, aims to free people from time and space constraints by using remotely
The company has released footage of its most advanced biped robot walking and doing push-ups
Robots that learn from experience and can solve novel problems -- just like humans -- sound like science fiction.
Bi-directional love between a human and a robot --- realistic, genuine, biologically-inspired love --- is the goal of Hooman Samani, an AI researcher at the