Pack Of Robot Dogs Effortlessly Tows A Truck

As well as being skillfull, the SpotMini is strong, as demonstrated in Boston Dynamics' new video. Together, a powerful group of 10 K9s drags a huge truck across the ground.

Humanoid robot prototype capable of heavy labor

Researchers have developed a humanoid robot prototype, HRP-5P, intended to autonomously perform heavy labor or work in hazardous environments.

Two "robots" assemble a chair

Engineers were able to use robots to assemble a chair from IKEA, intended for human assembly. Robots with force sensors and a 3-D camera independently found grooves and coordinated actions to help each other.

Japan Develops Dual-Arm Remote Control Construction Robot

Researchers at Osaka University have developed a prototype robot with a double swing arm mechanism and hydraulically powered 'hands'.

These are the developing countries where robots will take the most jobs

Are robots coming for your job? It's not an unreasonable question. Just last week, President Barack Obama warned congress that robots are going to begin taking over jobs that pay less than $20 an hour, placing 62% of American jobs at risk.