Blue Is a New Low-Cost Force-Controlled Robot Arm

Designed to safely perform intricate, human-centered tasks, Blue will cost $5k and help accelerate research towards useful home robots.

The Genesis of Kuri the Companion Robot

The design evolution of Kuri, from prototype to consumer product, provides a fascinating glimpse into a new era of interaction between humans and increasingly sophisticated machines.

Kuri the adorable smart home robot can now detect your face

One of Kuri’s new powers is facial detection, which allows it to tailor its reactions and responses to respond to faces it sees. It’s a big step towards making Kuri a robot that feels like it has emotions and warmth.

A cargo-carrying robot that follows in your footsteps

Gita is an autonomous robot that navigates indoors and outdoors carrying up to 40 lbs.

Robotic arms for the kitchen

Moley Robotics is developing robotic arms that can cook recipes the way the chef intended. The Moley Kitchen can mimic the movements of famous chefs, allowing users to download recipes.

Hints at final development stages of AI house robot

The well known company is working hard to create an AI robot for use in the home, capable of not only assisting with daily tasks but also of building an emotional relationship with humans.