Ways for Your Child to Embrace Meditation

Adults have learned a variety of ways to put together a special space in their homes that is expressly used for that purpose. They have open to them the money and ability to purchase what they wish to put on their sacred personal space. But what about the children?

How Real Is Reality?

Reality seems pretty stubborn, pretty fixed and pretty much independent of whatever is going on in your head. But is it, really? Astrophysicist Adam Frank explores the scientific debate.

'GOD' for Atheists (and an Expanded, Scientific Definition of God for Everyone Else) 

As many celebrate the Christmas season and the coming of a New Year, maybe there's a way we can, indeed, bring atheists and theists and the disparate factions and religions together on our little planet.

Something Extraordinary Is Happening in the World, and I Am Noticing It 

Brazilian entrepreneur Gustavo Tanaka listed eight reasons why he believes that the world as we know it is changing -- and that it is a good thing. His blog has been widely shared, so clearly his message has resonated with many.