US teen replants hundreds of mangroves that were destroyed by a hurricane

Florida 18-year-old Theo Quenee grew and planted mangroves after the devastation of Hurricane Irma.

Why economic 'degrowth' is an ethical imperative

Degrowth is the name given to the planned, deliberate process by which we can transition from an economy in ecological overshoot to one that operates within its host planetary environment.

Nature-based preschools are a growing trend in the USA

Nature-based preschools have been popular in Europe for decades, especially in Germany and Scandinavia. Studies show that kids who learn outdoors have better academic results.

Lessons in nature boost classroom engagement afterward

Students who spend a class session in a natural outdoor setting are more engaged and less distracted in their regular classroom afterward than when they remain indoors, scientists found in a new study.

Living near a forest keeps your amygdala healthier

A study conducted at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development has investigated the relationship between the availability of nature near city dwellers' homes and their brain health.

The 'Tesla of eco-villages' is developing off-grid villages around the world

ReGen Villages is a real estate development company aiming to build small, high-tech, self-sufficient residential communities. The communities will grow their own food and generate their own power.

Colombian town turns down $35B gold mine - prefers a clean environment

The town of Cajamarca, Colombia said no to what could have been the biggest gold mine in South America.

Learning From the Outside In With an ECO Education

Humans are a part of nature in every moment, in every place, and recognizing this puts a different lens on how you interact with the world’s ecological and social communities.

New research reveals how nature brings emotional balance and well-being to humans

Spending time in woodland regulates human emotions and the heart helping to restore a healthy balance when compared to time in urban environments, according to new research.

Whale thanks saviors with incredible ‘dance’

This week the amazing story of how Michael Fishbach saved a humpback whale that was entangled in a mesh of netting has taken the online community by storm. The

‘Telecoupling’ describes how distance is shrinking and connections are strengthening between nature and humans

Understanding and managing how humans and nature sustainably coexist is now so sweeping and lightning fast that it’s spawned a new concept: