Desperate Nations May Unilaterally Begin Hacking The Global Climate

A single country or coalition of countries witnessing the harms of climate change could make a cost and geopolitical calculation and decide to begin climate engineering on its own.

Himalayan glaciers may lose 75 percent of ice by 2100

Melting of glaciers to cause flooding and water shortages for nearly 2 billion people who live downstream, report says.

Pakistan Flood Crisis Caused by Climate Change

Relentless rains in Pakistan over two months have caused the country's worst flooding in more than a decade. Floodwaters have washed away roads, buildings, and crops. A third of the country is now underwater.

Climate disasters displaced more people than conflicts in 2020

More people were displaced by weather disasters in 2020 than by violent conflicts. Further, the publication indicates the number of internally displaced people in the world reached the highest level in history. 

Bangladesh is learning to embrace flooding

As climate change is set to make flooding worse in Bangladesh, researchers are racing to find adaptations that balance their restorative and destructive powers.

Should killing nature be a crime?

In December 2019, at the International Criminal Court in the Hague, Vanuatu’s ambassador to the European Union made a radical suggestion: make the destruction of the environment a crime.

For The First Time Climate Change Is A Reason For Displacement

According to the United Nations annual report, more than 1% of humanity were forced to flee their homes last year. Of these displacements, 24.9 million were caused by disasters, caused by climate change.

Rising Sea Levels Are Displacing Villagers in Myanmar

Millions of people in Myanmar are threatened by flooding and rapid soil erosion caused by rising sea levels. One village of 1,500 residents had to relocate entirely, moving further inland to escape the rising water, and abandoning farmland in the process.

Extreme heat to hit one third of the African urban population

Researchers have assessed a range of possible scenarios regarding the rate of climate change in 173 African cities for the years 2030, 2060 and 2090. Their results show that a third of African city-dwellers could be affected by deadly heat waves in 2090.

Rising sea levels could destroy Hawaii's iconic Waikiki Beach

Hawaii’s iconic Waikiki Beach could soon be underwater as rising sea levels caused by climate change overtake its white sand beaches and bustling city streets.

Rising sea levels threaten Easter Island’s heritage

Remains of the famous civilization on Easter Island, or Rapa Nui, are at risk of disappearing as climate change leads to coastal erosion.

Climate change could lead to 1m migrants a year entering EU by 2100

Researchers plotted temperature rises against the number of asylum applications and are predicting that as the southern hemisphere heats up the number of people migrating to the EU each year will triple.

Fijian villagers prepare for climate disasters

Three villages have already been moved and another 43 are set to be shifted, the country’s attorney general said last month.

New Zealand considering special visas for climate refugees

New Zealand is thinking about "an experimental humanitarian visa category" for people uprooted from their homes because of climate change.