Learning and staying in shape key to longer lifespan, study finds

People who are overweight cut their life expectancy by two months for every extra kilogram of weight they carry, research suggests. A major study has also found that education leads to a longer life, with almost a year added for each year spent studying beyond school.

Being active saves lives

Whether a gym workout, walking to work or washing the floor - physical activity of any kind can prevent heart disease and death, says a large international study involving more than 130,000 people from 17 countries.

How to keep your brain young

A look at the research around preserving our brain health and keeping mentally active.

Caloric restriction for anti-aging

The idea that reducing the amount of food you eat can slow metabolism and extend lifespan has been around for a while. Only recently has it become more mainstream.

Moderate consumption of fats, carbohydrates best for health, international study shows

A diet that includes a moderate intake of fat and fruits and vegetables, and avoidance of high carbohydrates, is associated with lower risk of death, research with more than 135,000 people across five continents has shown.

No detectable limit to how long people can live: study

By analyzing the lifespan of the longest-living individuals since 1968, a new study comes to conclusion that there is no evidence for an age limit.

Japan leads world in life expectancy, WHO report says

People in Japan continue to outlive those in other countries, marking the world’s longest average life expectancy of 83.7 years, according to the latest WHO report.

Aging clock and epigenetics

Recent research has shown that DNA methylation, an epigenetic modification is so accurate that chronological age in humans can be predicted +/- 3.6 years from any tissue or fluid in the body. This is referred to as the epigenetic clock.

Indigenous South American group has healthiest arteries of all populations yet studied

An 80 year old from the Tsimane group had the same vascular age as a person in mid-fifties, suggests a new report. The Tsimane people - a forager-horticulturalist population of the Bolivian Amazon - have the lowest reported levels of vascular aging for any population.

Average life expectancy set to increase by 2030

Average life expectancy is set to increase in many countries by 2030 - and will exceed 90 years in South Korea, according to new research.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Research identifies cellular recycling process linked to beneficial effects of enduring mild stress

Eating less can slow the aging process

Recent research published in Molecular & Cellular Proteomics offers one glimpse into how cutting calories impacts aging inside a cell.

Keys to long life: longevity study unearths surprising answers

One of the findings that really astounds is that the Longevity Project participants who were the most cheerful and had the best sense of humor as kids lived shorter lives, on average, than those who were less cheerful and joking. It was the most prudent and persistent individuals who stayed healthiest and lived the longest.